گرامر در مورد reported speech

در این درس قصد داریم با هم دیگه با مبحث reported speech بیشتر آشنا بشیم. در واقع این گرامر مربوط به نقل قول از یک شخص و یا اشخاص دیگر و یا  خود ما هست.

مثال :

?Do you need any help

مخاطب این جمله مهمه. اگر شما در یک فروشگاه بودید و این جمله از سمت فروشنده به شما گفته شده و شما قصد دارید این جمله را برای شخص دیگه ای تعریف کنید اینطوری میشه :

He /She asked me (that)  “If I needed any help”.

(that) اختیاری هست و ضرورتی برای استفاده نداره. دوست داشتید استفاده کنید.

اما اگر شما به شخص دیگه ای این جمله را گفتید و الان در حال تعریف کردن جمله ی خودتون برای شخص دیگه ای هستید اینطوری میشه :

I told him/her” If you needed any help”.

برای تغییر جمله باید دوتا کار را انجام بدید:

اول: اینکه باید ضمیر جمله را تغییر بدید

دوم: باید زمان جمله را به هر زمانی که هست یک زمان به عقب برگردونید. قانون حتی برای زمان هایی مثل (Time Expressions ) هم صدق می کنه. مثلا داخل جمله today باشه و امروز قصد بیان جمله را دارید باید  به ‌yesterday تغییر بدید.

nowthen / at that time
todayyesterday / that day / Tuesday / the 27th of June
yesterdaythe day before yesterday / the day before / Wednesday / the 5th of December
last nightthe night before, Thursday night
last weekthe week before / the previous week
tomorrowtoday / the next day / the following day / Friday

سایر قوانین هم به این شکل هست :

do/does  به  if تبدیل میشن.

جملاتی که زمان ندارن به همون شکل قابل استفاده هستن. مثلا یک نفر به شما گفت : have a nice day.  این جمله به صورت مستقیم و بدون تغییر زمان قابل استفاده است.

اگر جمله مفعول نداشت باید از کلمه ی said استفاده کنیم و اگر مفعول داشت باید از told  استفاده کنیم.

Sarah said that she was tired

Sarah told me that she was tired


TenseDirect SpeechReported Speech
present simpleI like ice creamShe said (that) she liked ice cream.
present continuousI am living in LondonShe said (that) she was living in London.
past simpleI bought a carShe said (that) she had bought a car OR She said (that) she bought a car.
past continuousI was walking along the streetShe said (that) she had been walking along the street.
present perfectI haven’t seen JulieShe said (that) she hadn’t seen Julie.
past perfect*I had taken English lessons beforeShe said (that) she had taken English lessons before.
willI’ll see you laterShe said (that) she would see me later.
would*I would help, but..”She said (that) she would help but…
canI can speak perfect EnglishShe said (that) she could speak perfect English.
could*I could swim when I was fourShe said (that) she could swim when she was four.
shallI shall come laterShe said (that) she would come later.
should*I should call my motherShe said (that) she should call her mother
might*I might be lateShe said (that) she might be late
mustI must study at the weekendShe said (that) she must study at the weekend OR She said she had to study at the weekend

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گرامر در مورد reported speech

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