تفاوت between و among

دو کلمه between و among هر دو به معنای “بین” هستند، اما تفاوتهای ظریفی بین آنها وجود دارد.
- Between معمولاً برای اشاره به دو چیز یا شخص استفاده میشود که به طور واضح از یکدیگر متمایز هستند.
The ball is between the two chairs.
- Among معمولاً برای اشاره به سه یا چند چیز یا شخص استفاده میشود.
The money was divided among the three friends.
مثالهای دیگر:
- Between
- The difference between the two prices is $10.
- She was caught between two cars.
- The meeting will be held between 10am and 11am.
- Among
- The cat was hiding among the bushes.
- The seeds were scattered among the plants.
- The children were divided among the three teachers.