جراند و اینفینیتیو gerund vs infinitive

خدا بگم این خارجیا را چیکار کنه. همه چیزشون با ما فرق می کنه. وقتی می خواید صبحت کنید باید یکسری قوانین مثل gerund و infinitive را رعایت کنید.

gerund و infinitive دو شکل از فعل هستند که می توانند به عنوان اسم، صفت، یا قید استفاده شوند.

gerund با اضافه کردن -ing به انتهای فعل ساخته می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • eating (خوردن)
  • writing (نوشتن)
  • swimming (شنا کردن)

infinitive با اضافه کردن to به ابتدای فعل ساخته می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • to eat (خوردن)
  • to write (نوشتن)
  • to swim (شنا کردن)

حالا باید فعل هایی که جزو این دو دسته هستند را حفظ کنید. البته بعضی از فعل ها جز هر دو دسته هستند.

فعل های مهم و پرکاربرد gerund:

acknowledgeShe acknowledged receiving assistance.
* accuse ofHe was accused of smuggling contraband goods.
admitThey admitted falsifying the data.
adviseThe author advises undertaking further study.
anticipateHe anticipates having trouble with his supervisor.
appreciateI appreciated having a chance to read your draft.
avoidHe avoided answering my question.
completeI finally completed writing my thesis.
considerThey will consider granting you money.
deferShe deferred writing her report.
delayWe delayed reporting the results until we were sure.
denyThey denied copying the information.
discussThey discussed running the experiments again.
entailThis review procedure entails repeating the test.
* look afterHe will look after mailing the tickets.
* insist onHe insisted on proofreading the article again.
involveThis procedure involves testing each sample twice.
justifyMy results justify taking drastic action.
mentionThe author mentions seeing this event.
* plan onThey had planned on attending the conference.
postponeThe committee has postponed writing the report.
recallI cannot recall getting those results before.
resentHe resented spending so much time on the project.
recommendShe recommends reading Marx.
resistThe writer resists giving any easy answers.
riskShe risks losing her viewing time.
sanctionThey will not sanction copying without permission.
suggestI suggest repeating the experiment.
* take care ofHe will take care of sending it to you.
tolerateShe can’t tolerate waiting for results.

فعل های مهم و پرکاربرد infinitive:

affordWe cannot afford to hesitate.
agreeThe professors agreed to disagree.
appearThe results appear to support your theory.
arrangeThey had arranged to meet at noon.
begI beg to differ with you.
careWould you care to respond?
claimShe claims to have new data.
consentWill you consent to run for office?
decideWhen did he decide to withdraw?
demandI demand to see the results of the survey.
deserveShe deserves to have a fair hearing.
expectThe committee expects to decide by tomorrow.
failThe trial failed to confirm his hypothesis.
hesitateI hesitate to try the experiment again.
hopeWhat do you hope to accomplish?
learnWe have learned to proceed with caution.
manageHow did she manage to find the solution?
neglectThe author neglected to provide an index.
needDo we need to find new subjects?
offerWe could offer to change the time of the meeting.
planThey had planned to attend the conference.
prepareHe was not prepared to give a lecture.
pretendI do not pretend to know the answer.
promiseThey promise to demonstrate the new equipment.
refuseShe refused to cooperate any longer.
seemSomething seems to be wrong with your design.
struggleWe struggled to understand her point of view.
swearHe swears to tell the truth.
threatenThe team threatened to stop their research.
volunteerWill you volunteer to lead the group?
waitWe could not wait to hear the outcome.
wantShe did not want to go first.
wishDo you wish to participate?

توضیحات اضافی:

تفاوت اصلی بین gerund و infinitive در نحوه استفاده از آنها است.

Gerund معمولاً به عنوان اسم استفاده می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • Eating is my favorite hobby. (خوردن سرگرمی مورد علاقه من است.)
  • I enjoy swimming in the pool. (من از شنا کردن در استخر لذت می برم.)

Infinitive معمولاً به عنوان فعل استفاده می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • I want to eat. (من می خواهم بخورم.)
  • I need to write a letter. (من باید یک نامه بنویسم.)

با این حال، gerund و infinitive همچنین می توانند به عنوان صفت یا قید استفاده شوند.

Gerund به عنوان صفت معمولاً با کلمه ing نوشته می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • The eating table is over there. (میز غذا آنجاست.)
  • The writing desk is in the study. (میز تحریر در مطالعه است.)

Infinitive به عنوان صفت معمولاً با کلمه to نوشته می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • I have a to-do list. (من یک لیست کارهایی که باید انجام دهم دارم.)
  • She is a to-be doctor. (او یک پزشک آینده است.)

Gerund به عنوان قید معمولاً با کلمه ing نوشته می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • I am eating a banana. (من یک موز می خورم.)
  • She is writing a letter. (او یک نامه می نویسد.)

Infinitive به عنوان قید معمولاً با کلمه to نوشته می شود. به عنوان مثال:

  • I am going to eat. (من می روم تا بخورم.)
  • She is going to write a letter. (او می رود تا یک نامه بنویسد.)

در اینجا چند مثال دیگر از نحوه استفاده از gerund و infinitive آورده شده است:


  • I am enjoying my vacation. (من از تعطیلاتم لذت می برم.)
  • I am tired of working. (من از کار کردن خسته شده ام.)
  • I am good at swimming. (من در شنا خوب هستم.)


  • I want to go to the beach. (من می خواهم به ساحل بروم.)
  • I need to study for the test. (من باید برای امتحان مطالعه کنم.)
  • I am going to help you with that. (من می روم تا به تو کمک کنم.)

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جراند و اینفینیتیو gerund vs infinitive

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